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Projected Future Trends in the Florida Real Estate Market

By 02/19/2013May 19th, 2017Articles

2013 is the beginning of the next major real estate growth period. Driving growth will be new employment and MIGRATION REGAINING MOMENTUM. Here are highlights from a January 5, 2013 article published in the Herald Tribune.

• In 2013, more people will be moving to Florida than 2008, 2009, and 2010 combined.

• In 2008 only 34,000 people moved to the state of Florida.

• Florida’s migration in 2013 is forecast at over 171,000.

• The new migration wave is a result of baby boomers and retirees.

• The increase in net migration is expected to reignite Florida’s “Growth Machine” and generate more employment opportunities.

read the full article here

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